The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Calculator (PMAY Calculator) is designed, developed and managed by VMavericks. VMavericks is a full-service Online Marketing Services Agency based out of Pune, India. VMavericks is the sole owner of the website.
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The website showcases the PMAY Subsidy Calculator, Blog Articles, and News Articles. The primary source of information for all these pages, sub-page, and posts is the internet. We rely/ source/ repurpose/ rewrite/ depend/ take inspiration from the 3rd party sites which may be providing us authentic or non-authentic information/ data. We are not responsible for the correctness/ authenticity/ accuracy of the information/ data present onto such 3rd party sites.
For showcasing the PMAY subsidy calculation and Home Loan EMI calculation, we rely on the guidelines/ criteria/ logic shared by the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Official Govt. Website –
The results or the output data shown in the PMAY Calculator may be approximate or may be correct or incorrect, as its result is dependent on the information filled by the website visitor/website user and logic/guidelines shared by the PMAY official website.
You should not abide by any advice or details that you acquire on this platform. Any dependence by you on any details will be at the risk of your own. Nothing on this website comprises or is meant to form, the counsel of any type. If you require concerning any relation to any financial/legal matter, you should check with a suitable expert.
All content on our website is purely for general informational functions only – you should not interpret it as a proficient fiscal suggestion. We don’t take accountability for any economic or loss of other types, whatsoever that might take place by counting on the information written on any of our websites’ pages.
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The Pradhan MantriAwasYojana Calculator (PMAY Calculator) is designed, developed and managed by VMavericks. VMavericks is a full-service Online Marketing Services Agency based out of Pune, India. VMavericks is the sole owner of the website.
Terms and Conditions of Website Usage
By visiting/using/logging to website, you agree to the Terms and Conditions mentioned by It also implies that you agree to the local laws and guidelines about the use of this website and its content.
Not agreeing to it means you are strictly prohibited from using/visiting/logging into website and content present onto this website. You are not allowed to use/edit/repurpose/recreate/commercialize/monetize/redistribute/copy any of the information or the content/data shared by this website (
Failure to honour these Terms and Conditions will attract legal action.
Legitimate Use
You must never use the website in any way that may cause damage to the website or its code or its brand or its accessibility or any other means which may harm the interest of or VMavericks.
You must agree that you’ll not use this website for any illegal purposes listed under the Governing Laws of India. You’ll never use this website and its content and its data for harmful/ fraudulent/ unethical purposes.
Failure to abide by this Term and Condition will attract a very strict legal lawsuit. And VMavericks, as well as, reserves the right to seek monetary damages from you in such events if you found guilty.
No Warranties
The website does not provide 100% Guarantee or Warranty for any of its website content or the data or the information furnished. This website or VMavericks is not responsible for the accuracy/ correctness/ authenticity of the information or the data or the content provided on this website.
The website showcases the PMAY Subsidy Calculator, Blog Articles, and News Articles. The primary source of information for all these pages, sub-page, and posts is the internet. We rely/ source/ repurpose/ rewrite/ depend/ take inspiration from the 3rd party sites which may be providing us authentic or non-authentic information/ data. We are not responsible for the correctness/ authenticity/ accuracy of the information/ data present onto such 3rd party sites.
For showcasing the PMAY subsidy calculation and Home Loan EMI calculation, we rely on the guidelines/ criteria/ logic shared by the Pradhan MantriAwasYojana Official Govt. Website –
The results or the output data shown in the PMAY Calculator may be approximate or may be correct or incorrect, as its result is dependent on the information filled by the website visitor/website user and logic/guidelines shared by the PMAY official website.
You should not abide by any advice or details that you acquire on this platform. Any dependence by you on any details will be at the risk of your own. Nothing on this website comprises or is meant to form, the counsel of any type. If you require concerning any relation to any financial/legal matter, you should check with a suitable expert.
All content on our website is purely for general informational functions only – you should not interpret it as a proficient fiscal suggestion. We don’t take accountability for any economic loss of other types whatsoever that might take place by counting on the information written on any of our website’s pages.
Third-Party Website Links
The website may contain links to third-party sites, display banners, or text ads. We may have sponsored or not sponsored these links. However, we are not accountable for the content/ information/ data/policy/terms and conditions or any other matter present on such third-party sites.
We recommend our website visitors to read the policies, terms and conditions, and disclaimers of such linked 3rd party sites.
To visit such linked 3rd party sites or not is at the sole discretion of the website visitor and or VMavericks should never be held responsible for it.
Revisions and Errata
The materials that you can come across on website may have photographic, typographical and technical mistakes. The website is not responsible for any such content on its platforms that they are accurate. Such materials may be altered without prior notice.
Limitations of Liability
The will not be legally responsible to you about the contents of, or use of, or otherwise in connection with, this website for any direct loss, for loss that may be indirect, consequential or special and for any loss of business, goodwill, income, revenue, contracts. Such liability’s limitation will apply even when is aware of the latent loss.
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If you breach any of these terms and conditions without prejudice to in any form, may take such action that is appropriate to tackle the type of breach done. It may even include the suspension of your access to this website and not granting access to this website and any of its data. It may even include getting in touch with your ISP to request that your access to this site be blocked and even taking legal action that may be appropriate for the breach conducted.
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